Mitigating the risk to businesses and employees following critical or catastrophic events requires agility and initiative.

Our key services include helping organizations prepare to pivot to a new normal following critical or catastrophic events. This also includes addressing new mandates without core capacity yet developed to deal with new requirements. This can be particularly challenging for non-profit organizations or start-ups maturing to a new scale. We help organizations perform critical assessments of their key focus area, and with environmental scans and stakeholder engagement, inside and outside the organization, we help them consider options for the future.  This can range from changing course to seize new talent and bridge capacity, anchoring new opportunities, addressing financial and business imperatives in the immediate term, to helping secure financial sustainability, growth and relevancy over the long term.

We also offer assistance in accessing some funding, through grants and contributions or other financial assistance under new programs, and related key accountability reporting in dealing with stakeholders, government agencies and financial institutions.

Have any questions? Connect with us. Let’s have a conversation.


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